Construction update
Aerial view of Napier Terrace.
What a difference a month makes! All the roads in Chinatown are now fully reopened to traffic and we’re finishing off footpaths, terraces and landscaping throughout the project area. Here’s a street-by-street look at what’s happening as we approach the last few weeks of the project.
Carnarvon Street North
We are finishing the last of the concreting, including the intersection at Gray Street and the areas around light poles. Then, hot on the heels of the concreting team, the parks and gardens crew will be planting the remaining garden beds. Once that’s finished, all the temporary fencing can come down to reveal the final look of the street!
Short Street West
The planter boxes in front of Dragonfly are being completed and planted out, plus the paving team will be back this week and will be finishing the stairs in front of Cone Bay Barramundi and the pavers around the benches.
Short Street East
Preparatory works under the trees will start prior to the new deck being constructed, and we'll be doing concrete works around Pearl Shell Gate Sculpture this week. This detailed section of concrete forms part of the artwork, and we are excited to have the artist Michael Jalaru Torres in town for the work.
Napier Terrace East
The grass on the new terraces has been laid and we’ll keep the temporary fencing up for a while longer to allow the turf to establish before we open to the public. Our parks and garden team are now hard at work planting out the garden beds. After that, the light poles will go in and the street will be finished!
Napier Terrace West
The carpark has been linemarked and is now open, and our earthworks team are preparing the gardens and turf areas for planting and re-opening to the public.
Carnarvon Street South
We are currently constructing one last pedestrian crossing at the Carnarvon Street and Napier Terrace roundabout. We’re also finishing the footpath past Westpac and Tackle World Broome this week, and finalising light pole installation.
Finally, we’d like to say a huge thank you to everyone for their patience over the construction period. We have all been working as hard and quickly as we can to complete this incredible revitalisation of Chinatown and the end is in sight! If you have any questions regarding the final stages of construction please contact Julia, Chinatown Coordinator on 9191 8738 or by email at to find out more.
Michael Jalaru Torres’ Pearl Shell Gate Sculpture.
Sculpture celebrates Indigenous pearling history
The incredible 'pearl shell gate' sculpture standing proud on Dampier Terrace at the junction of Short Street and close to Streeters Jetty pays homage to the Indigenous cultural heritage of the region.
The work was designed by Yawuru man Michael Jalaru Torres in collaboration with the Yawuru community, and fabricated by sculptor Tony Pankiw. The large pearl shell gate represents the pre-existing and important relationship that Indigenous saltwater people of this region have with pearl shells.
The boomerangs on either side are known as lanyji and are used for ceremonies and celebrations that bring people together and are inscribed with the four names of the Yawuru skin groups. The pearl shell is decorated with the scurrying prints of the small softshell crab that lives inside the pearl shell, symbolising the symbiotic relationship of the environment and people.
Local businesses benefit from new outdoor spaces
Popular local eateries Ginreab Thai and Kitchen Cabana have expanded into the newly created al frescoes adjacent to their businesses, giving customers the chance to experience new shaded dining areas on Carnarvon Street while enjoying breakfast, lunch or dinner!
The newly completed shade shelter outside Monsoonal Blues on Carnarvon Street offers a place to sit and rest awhile, and the new shelter on Napier Terrace is also complete and soon to be complemented by the new grassed terraces and landscaping.
The new al fresco for shaded outside dining on Carnarvon Street.
Tour bookings in Chinatown
All your tours can be booked in Chinatown!
Most Broome residents are being overrun with visitors so if you’re wondering what to recommend to your visiting friends, did you know you can book all their tours right here in Chinatown?
Whether it’s a multi-day, high end Kimberley cruise, a trip to the Horizontal Falls, or booking accommodation, there are a wide range of tourism operators with offices in Chinatown, including The Great Escape; Kimberley Quest; True North; Go Horizontal Falls and Eco Beach Wilderness Retreat, as well as the incredibly friendly and helpful staff at the Broome Visitor Centre who can book an entire holiday itinerary for you and are a mine of information on all things Kimberley!
Art strong in women’s collective
An impressive selection of artwork at the Strong Women’s Art Collective store.
The Kalumburu Strong Womens’ Art Collective has opened a brand-new Broome store in Johnny Chi Lane.
The Strong Women’s Centre and Art collective aims to build capacity in Kalumburu’s female artists to reach their full potential and has created this sustainable micro-enterprise to help lead to a more financial and emotionally positive impact in their world while keeping culture and aboriginal art strong in the Kalumburu community.
Drop by the store, which is next to Chi Mayi Café, and have a look at the incredible artworks and wares on offer!
Ladies Night set to impress
The annual and much anticipated Chinatown Ladies Night is happening next Friday 6 August from 4.30pm.
There’s a whole host of businesses through Chinatown who are putting on special promotions and offers, canapes and sparkling beverages, to encourage you and your friends to visit together and have a bit of fun while you browse and try on the latest arrivals!
All the information and special offers can be found on the Chinatown Broome Ladies Night facebook event.
If you have a question about the Chinatown Revitalisation project, we’ve created a page on our website dedicated to answering commonly asked questions. Simply click here to find out more, and if you still have questions, please send them to us!
Dates for Your Diary
Now – Short Street West landscaping
Now – Napier Terrace East landscaping
Now – Napier Terrace West landscaping
Now – Carnarvon Street North landscaping
Now – Carnarvon Street South minor works
August 2021 – All Stage 2 major construction complete
Fri August 2021 – Ladies Night