Construction update
Work underway on Carnarvon Street.
Last week we achieved a huge project milestone - our new public art centrepiece “Fusion” was delivered and has been installed in Chinatown in its permanent home for everyone to enjoy! Shaped like the hull of a lugger, the curved steel and wood sculpture weighs about three tonnes. It has 200 kilograms of pearl shell and Jarrah from the wood of an old bridge, salvaged near Boddington in southern Western Australia. Fusion can be found on the Napier Terrace and Carnarvon Street roundabout.
The new centrepiece isn’t the only new thing popping up, we’ve also had a ton of new trees being planted and the streetscapes are really starting to take shape as our final vision comes together. We are putting the finishing touches on most areas now as we get closer to the end of May and the end of construction!
Here is a closer look into what we are working on now:
Short Street West
Footpath preparations and concrete pouring are continuing as we work towards opening footpaths to pedestrians. Pavers will be placed throughout the street to help finish the footpaths and street furniture will be installed, with new benches also ready for installation.
Short Street East
New trees have just been planted on site and are looking beautiful. Street furniture will be installed in front of the Paspaley Showroom, with new street art also going in. This street will be re-opened from Monday 31 May.
Carnarvon Street North
Asphalt will be placed on Friday and Saturday this week, a huge milestone for the street! Footpath preparation and concrete pouring are ongoing. The paved pedestrian crossings will also be finished soon.
Napier Terrace West
Construction of the new carpark and Shell entry lane is ongoing, with the road construction to continue through the week. Traffic management is in place so you can still get your Chicken Treat fix and petrol!
Napier Terrace East
Footpath preparation and concrete pouring is ongoing and construction of the new doctors surgery ramp started this week. There is a temporary ramp in place at Som Thai to get to the doctors surgery while the permanent ramp is being constructed.
Carnarvon Street South
Construction of the light poles is ongoing in this area as we work on upgrading the lights in the street.
We’re getting closer to the end of May and the end of construction - not long to go now - and we’re continuing to progress on schedule!
We’re getting closer to the end of May and the end of construction - not long to go now! Information regarding access and roadwork maps for construction areas, including temporary road closures and alternative parking is being advertised in the paper, on radio, through our social channels as well as on the Chinatown website. Traders can also contact Julia, Chinatown Coordinator on 9191 8738 or by email to find out more.
A great view from Eco Beach Resort.
Eco Beach back in Chinatown
Popular and award-winning Eco Beach Wilderness Retreat have opened a new reservations office in Chinatown to make bookings more convenient. The new office is open in the LL Tack Building next to The Green Mango Café on Carnarvon Street.
Just over an hour’s drive south of Broome, Eco Beach Resort is set amongst a pristine and untouched Kimberley backdrop on an incredible beach with red cliffs. The ensuite safari tents and luxury air conditioned villas provide guests with an unforgettable and unique wilderness experience, while having minimal impact on the surrounding landscape. You can also enjoy amazing views over the stunning white beach and azure blue ocean from the infinity pool while sipping on a cocktail from Jack’s Bar – a great way for locals and visitors alike to unwind and relax! To make your booking, pop into the office and say hello to the friendly staff in the reservations team.
Discovery Festival this weekend!
The 2021 Chinatown Discovery Festival (nicknamed “Discofest”) is on this weekend!
The program is jam packed full of incredible and unique events that celebrate everything about Chinatown and gives our local community the chance to come together to celebrate Chinatown and Old Broome.
Discovery Festival entertainers.
A busy schedule of events will take place over the course of the weekend, with activities and events for different tastes and ages, including families and kids. Most of the festival activities are free, making it accessible for all.
The program will feature art and photography installations, creative performances, music, food, sand sculptures, street entertainment and much more. The key event is the Pearlers’ Games, featuring fun challenges for individuals and teams, and rounds off a busy weekend of fun and activity in our town centre.
A huge thanks must go to our event sponsors and partners: the Chinatown Revitalisation Project, Horizon Power, Broome Advertiser, Triple M Broome, Westpac, Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm, Willie Creek Pearls and Allure South Sea Pearls.
The full event program can be downloaded here.
Fusion marks entry to Chinatown
“Fusion”, the new public art centrepiece in Chinatown.
After months of meticulous design and fabrication and a long journey north, the spectacular and striking “Fusion” sculpture now stands proud at the Carnarvon Street and Napier Street roundabout, and makes an impressive entry statement into Chinatown.
The work was created by Safehaven Studios and pays homage to the pearling heritage that helped build Broome and the abundance of shared histories, stories and connections are weaved through the fabric of Chinatown.
The sculpture rises from a curved open form that echoes the shape of a pearl shell, a boat hull, a tear or water droplet.
To each side, basketry encases whole pearl shells and heavy timbers bound with pitched rope, the mimick the sturdy and skilled craftsmanship of traditional pearling luggers.
At the apex of the artwork is a unique symbol; the symmetrical design based on ancient ideograms. It reaches up and beyond, to connect earth with sky, ocean with stars, family with ancestors, and people with place.
High season for Broome Explorer Bus
The Broome Explorer Bus is a great way to get around town!
The buses are now operating on their high season timetable, which means half hourly services all around town until 7:10pm every night. The first bus of the day travels out to Gantheaume Point to drop off early birds for an early morning 5km walk back along Cable Beach – what a great way to start the day!
Due to the current roadworks in Chinatown, the Dampier Terrace stop is currently out of use, however bus stop number 35 on Carnarvon Street can be used for passengers going both to Cable Beach and Town Beach. The Dampier Terrace bus stop is expected to be back up and running by the end of May when Short Street East re-opens.
Tickets can be purchased online or from the friendly BE Bus driver on board. You can choose from one way, multi rider, 24 hour or 72 hour passes to suit your needs.
For more timetable and ticket info please visit
If you have a question about the Chinatown Revitalisation project, we’ve created a page on our website dedicated to answering commonly asked questions. Simply click here to find out more, and if you still have questions, please send them to us!
Dates for Your Diary
Friday 28 to Sunday 30 May 2021 – Chinatown Discovery Festival
Now to May 2021 – Short Street West landscaping and footpaths
Now to May 2021 – Short Street East roadworks
Now to May 2021 – Carnarvon Street North roadworks
Now to May 2021 – Napier Terrace East footpaths and landscaping
Now to May 2021 – Napier Terrace West roadworks
Now to July 2021 – Roadworks and landscaping