Cruise Broome trials Dampier Terrace drop off for Pacific Eden passengers in Chinatown - Sun 18 June

A coach terminal for tourism groups and cruise ship passengers will be considered as part of the revitalisation to offer a safe disembarkation and optimal first impression of Broome for visitors.

To assist with various options being considered within the Carnarvon and Dampier refurbishments, Cruise Broome will commence trialling several drop off locations around Chinatown. The Pacific Eden with 1500 passengers will be returning to Broome on Sunday 18 June with passengers dropped off at the Johnny Chi Lane bus stop on Dampier Terrace.  Markets will proceed as planned in the Roey Carpark, additionally Cruise Broome is working with the Shire to explore the option of a Dampier Terrace market which would not require a road closure. Stay tuned for more detail...