Chinatown to come alive on Ladies’ Night

Chinatown to come alive on Ladies’ Night

The first major event to take place in Chinatown this year is set to attract crowds as the hugely popular Ladies’ Night returns for the third time to Broome’s historical and commercial heart on Friday, August 7.

Brought to you by the Chinatown Revitalisation Project in conjunction with Chinatown traders, the event provides a great opportunity to frock up and take advantage of some great shopping deals.

Attendees will also be able to socialise and will be entertained by local talent including Adele Oliver, Damar Isherwood, Tanya Ransom and more.

Shire of Broome president Harold Tracey said it was great to see the traders coming on board to help coordinate and host events like Ladies’ Night.

“Events such as Ladies’ Night encourage people to come into Chinatown for a unique evening, to enjoy fantastic offers and activities from retailers, and stay for some food and entertainment,” he said.

“We know it’s been a very tough year so far for a lot of people and given this is one of the first chances to socialise on a larger scale, we’re expecting a really good crowd for the event.

“A big thank you to Chinatown’s retailers for getting on board again this year.”

Chinatown Ladies’ Night will take place from 4.30 - 8pm on Friday, August 7.

For more information and to read / download the event program click here.