Message from the Shire President
Chinatown’s Christmas boab tree.
It’s hard to believe that 2020 is almost over and Christmas is upon us again. It has certainly been an eventful year but one of the main achievements from the last 12 months has been the progress of the Chinatown Revitalisation Project.
Despite the challenges of 2020, our community has banded together to support one another as COVID-19 forced us to change our routines, operations and think outside the square. Chinatown’s retailers diversified, rolled up their sleeves and ultimately got through a tough spell when our traditional tourist season was delayed.
It was great to see the community embrace the Shire’s Buy Local campaign earlier this year and residents have clearly made a conscious effort to support our wonderful local businesses in 2020. Here’s hoping that continues as Christmas shopping season is well underway!
While COVID-19 threatened to rob us of our togetherness given the new way society was forced to operate, events in Chinatown this year such as the Ladies Night and Christmas Trails have played a big role in rekindling our amazing community spirit.
The quality of design and execution from Stage One of the Chinatown Revitalisation Project was recognised on a national stage earlier this year also, with the project receiving a commendation at the 2020 Planning Institute of Australia National Awards for Planning Excellence. It’s fantastic to see Broome celebrated Australia-wide.
We are certainly not resting on our laurels and Stage Two promises to be just as transformative.
Stage Two construction works commenced last month, with Short Street West and Napier Terrace East the first areas to be worked on. While I understand there will be some frustration and disruption as this important work is undertaken, I thank you for your patience. The finished product will be well worth this hardship.
Finally, I’d like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Take care,
Harold Tracey - Broome Shire President
The Chinatown & Georgiou Team with Yawuru’s Natalie Dean.
Roadworks progress
Stage Two of construction began on Short Street West and Napier Terrace East during November and have progressed smoothly to date. Recent heavy rainfall provided some additional challenges, however works were only slightly affected. Following the Christmas shut down period and providing the weather clears, onsite construction will recommence as soon as possible to remain on track.
The Short Street West demolition is now complete and pavement construction will be completed prior to the Christmas shut down. The road pavement of Napier Terrace East has also been reconstructed, leveling adjustments made to smooth the road and compliment the landscape design, and will soon be sealed and ready for use.
Napier Terrace East will be temporarily reopened to two way traffic during the Christmas break.
Site fencing will remain in place during the break to protect areas of the verge under construction and for public safety. Please drive carefully and follow road signs.
Onsite works will recommence in early January with landscaping and electrical verge works continuing on Short Street West and Napier Terrace East. Civil construction will also commence on Short Street East and Napier Terrace West (edge of Male Oval to start with) from mid-end January, pending weather conditions.
The latest information regarding access and roadwork maps for construction areas, including temporary road closures and alternative parking is available through our social channels and on the Chinatown website.
There is still plenty of parking available with access to traders within Chinatown through the construction period. With a clearance of 2250m, the upstairs carpark of Paspaley Plaza fits most 4WDs.
Check out the parking map above for access points to each parking area.
Trees destined for Chinatown.
From little things…
The Shire of Broome Parks & Gardens team have established an impressive nursery with hundreds of amazing, colourful trees and thousands of plants for inclusion in the updated landscaping of Chinatown Stage Two.
Instead of using ratepayer funds and State Government grants to purchase established trees, the Shire of Broome Leading Hand Horticulturalist Simone Fletcher has established an impressive nursery that will thrive in the local natural environment.
Focused on indigenous plant species from the Broome region with some imported additions, there are over 30 different varieties of trees of various sizes and shapes sprouting up.
As part of the Stage Two works, not all existing trees in Chinatown will be able to be retained within the new streetscape design, however the project will deliver a green aesthetic streetscape that builds even more onto the completed Stage One landscaping.
We are excited to see these beautiful plants and trees get into the ground across Chinatown to look wonderful and also provide a cooling effect on the precinct as they mature.
Christmas trails festivities.
Santa came to town!
Chinatown was alive with Christmas spirit during our highly anticipated annual Christmas Trails event, held on Friday 4 December. Carnarvon Street looked very festive with a freshly decorated signature boab ‘Christmas’ tree, thanks to the hard work of the Shire’s Parks and Gardens crew.
The crowds were entertained by local musicians and performers from the Broome Performing Arts Co-Op and Sun Studios. Kids had a ball with fun waterplay activities on Male Oval thanks to Broome Circle, Helping Minds, KAMS and the Broome Bushfire Brigade, and Santa himself surprised us when he dropped into Sun Pictures!
Thanks to all who attended, and to our event sponsors; the Chinatown Revitalisation Project, Inpex-operated ICHTHYS LNG and Horizon Power.
We’d also like to share our gratitude to the traders, partners and volunteers who helped make this event so successful. We can’t wait until next year’s Christmas Trails!
Click here to see a selection of images from Christmas Trails. Abby Murray Photography did an amazing job of capturing the event!
Pillar designs showing inset lighting.
Japanese themed artwork
As part of Chinatown revitalisation, public art has been strategically designed to reflect unique cultural themes for each street in Chinatown.
Chinese-themed Carnarvon Street reflects a strong trading history with legendary emporiums, tea shops and long soup cafes. Stage Two works will see Short Street transformed to display Broome’s pearling heritage, while Napier Terrace will honour the role the Japanese have made to Broome and its pearling industry.
Artworks will include sculptures and embellished street furniture such as the lights, seating and the iconic stairway on Napier Terrace.
Local artist Tomoko Yamada has designed a number of artworks reflecting the Japanese heritage of Broome. Metal pillars with laser cut traditional symbols will stand along the new Napier Terrace alfresco area. The symbols were developed by Tomoko alongside the Broome Japanese community to reflect special cultural traditions.
If you have a question about the Chinatown Revitalisation project, we’ve created a page on our website dedicated to answering commonly asked questions. Simply click here to find out more, and if you still have questions, please send them to us!
Dates for Your Diary
November 2020 to July 2021 – Stage Two construction underway
Wednesday 23 December 2020 – Napier Terrace East temporarily re-open (weather permitting)
Mid January 2021 – Napier Terrace East road closure recommences
Mid January 2021 – Works commence on the edge of Male Oval
Mid January 2021 – Landscaping and verge works commence on Napier Terrace East
Mid to late January 2021 – Works commence on Carnarvon Street North and Short Street East
May 2021 – Chinatown Discovery Festival