Construction update
Construction, asphalt and paving progress in Chinatown.
Stage Two of the Chinatown Broome Revitalisation Project is progressing well on every front, despite the wet conditions earlier in the month. We’ve had more workers on site in recent weeks than at any other time in the project to ensure we stay on schedule.
The main roadworks on Short Street West will soon be completed and allow the road to reopen to traffic.
Short Street East will be the next part of the project where changes are immediately visible. Trafficable pavers are currently being laid and concrete edge beams completed.
On Carnarvon Street North, the works have been mostly underground. Light pole footings and electrical pits have been installed, along with foundations for retaining walls. Soon above ground works will start and a temporary footpath constructed to maintain pedestrian access to Paspaley Plaza while we construct new crossings at the roundabout.
The new retaining walls on Napier Terrace look amazing and have transformed the look of the street. The stairs and footpaths will take shape next.
Meanwhile on Male Oval (off Napier Terrace West), new drainage is being installed and initial works for the revised road alignment have begun.
As always, we thank you for your patience as construction occurs on all fronts at this very busy time for the project – we’re progressing on time and to budget as planned. We can’t wait to unveil the finished product and celebrate the new revitalised Chinatown with everyone.
Information regarding access and roadwork maps for construction areas, including temporary road closures and alternative parking is being advertised in the paper, on radio, through our social channels as well as on the Chinatown website. Traders can also contact Julia, Chinatown Coordinator on 9191 8738 or by email to find out more.
Updated parking map
Access point and roadwork information including updated parking and pedestrian maps is being advertised throughout Chinatown, in the paper, on radio, and through our social channels as well as on the Chinatown website.
Traders can also contact Julia, Chinatown Coordinator on 9191 8738 or by email to find out more.
There is still plenty of parking available with access to traders within Chinatown through the construction period. With a clearance of 2250m, the upstairs carpark of Paspaley Plaza fits most 4WDs.
Check out the parking map above for access points to each parking area.
Harry hard at work in the barber shop.
A cut above at North Legion
When Harry and Paige spontaneously moved to Broome last year they unexpectedly and immediately fell in love with the place and decided to stay. Trained in the art of barbering on the Gold Coast, Harry and co-owner Paige decided to take the plunge and open North Legion Barber Shop, a cut and shave parlour on Napier Terrace nestled between the Kimberley Bookshop and North West Tattoo.
Harry provides a range of modern and traditional men’s grooming services and said the most popular cut is the zero and skin face, beard trim and cut-throat line up.
Co-owner Paige says the support they have received from the local community has been amazing.
“We are very grateful that we had the opportunity to start our own small business here in Broome,” she said.
When asked how the name came about, Paige explains it was just a combination of words they liked, which they think really suits the business.
To book an appointment, visit the website, ring 0415 037 266 or just drop in. There’s plenty of parking close by on Dampier Terrace whilst the roadworks are underway.
Grants available for traders
There are still several $500 activation grants available to Chinatown traders to use for instore promotions or events. Examples of how the grant has been used include On the Lane’s VIP shopping evening, the Roeyfest, Paspaley Plaza Rhythm ‘n’ Chews nights, Three Angels charity fundraiser and the Community Resource Centre open day.
To apply, contact Julia, your Chinatown Coordinator on 9191 8738 or by email with details of your proposed event.
Egg-xciting Easter fun!
We think you’ll find the Easter activities planned at Sun Pictures egg-xtremely exciting!
Click the flyer to view the full details.
From 9am to 11am on Saturday 3 April, take part in a morning of fun activities including an Easter egg hunt, bunny ear making, balloon sculpting, face painting and more! No RSVP is required however COVID-19 restrictions to venue numbers apply so arrive early to avoid a short wait at the door.
Save the Date: Chinatown Discovery Festival
Discovery Festival participants playing tug of war.
This year’s Chinatown Discovery Festival will take place from Friday 28 to Sunday 30 May. Themed ‘Growing up in Broome and Chinatown’ the program will feature activities for all ages.
Some key events already planned are the popular Pearlers’ Games, a Big Mama musical production called “Stories of Strength – Reflections on Growing up in Old Broome”, sand sculpture carving and workshops, oriental kites display and kite making workshops for kids and adults and interactive art displays by local artists.
All event details will be posted on the Chinatown Broome Facebook page and website at a later date. If you, your organisation or community group would like to sponsor an event, host an activity, or compete in the Pearlers’ Games, contact Julia, your Chinatown Coordinator on 9191 8738 or by email to find out more.
If you have a question about the Chinatown Revitalisation project, we’ve created a page on our website dedicated to answering commonly asked questions. Simply click here to find out more, and if you still have questions, please send them to us!
Dates for Your Diary
November 2020 to July 2021 – Stage Two construction underway
Saturday 3 April 2021 – Easter activities at Paspaley Plaza
Now to April 2021 – Napier Terrace West roadworks on edge of Male Oval
Now to April 2021 – Short Street West roadworks
Now to May 2021 – Short Street East roadworks
Now to May 2021 – Carnarvon Street North roadworks
Now to May 2021 – Napier Terrace East roadworks and landscaping
28 – 30 May 2021 – Chinatown Discovery Festival